Posts tagged celebrating
a first birthday

I can hardly believe it, but this space, this tiny little slice of the internet that I named just enough brave was born one year ago.  For twelve months I’ve been putting my thoughts, my convictions, and my heart into words and putting those words here.  I’ve spent—and still spend—my fair share of time questioning this space and my ability to fill it with anything worthwhile.  And truthfully, I will probably always fight that battle with myself.  But writing… this is how I learn.  It’s how I process, how I sort through messes, how I both vent and apologize, and how God teaches me that every good endeavor can truly be done for his glory. 

This past year has both surprised and humbled me.  Almost without exception, the essays that I sat down and wrote in an hour were the ones that resonated most with readers, and the ones I labored through or worked too hard to be funny in mostly fell flat.  So, I guess like everything else in life, when something genuinely comes from our hearts the world can tell, and I think we are a people that appreciates genuine over fake any day.

What I have learned in a year is simple, yet worth reminding myself of.  Part of the beauty is in the journey, and remembering that journey. 

Lesson 1: don’t try to be someone I’m not.  A few weeks ago I wrote a post, a satire, if you will, on social media and my poor attempt to stay off of it for a while (I made it 12 days, in case you were wondering).  After one reader commented I realized I may be saying something I did not mean to at all and offending others in the process, and I took the post down 20 minutes later.  Remember what I said above about trying to be funny?  Well, I’m really not, and if I ever am it’s probably an accident.  So, staying clear of those essays from now on.  The things that truly get me excited to write about are motherhood, faith, justice, friendship, and other lessons life teaches me.  Straying from what I know in an effort to be more generally appealing, it doesn’t work.  And I would tell my kids this same thing in any endeavor they went after, so I have to model it as their mom.  Be you.

Lesson 2: if I live for approval, I’ll die for approval.  Am I the only one who puts something on social media and checks back a few hours later to, you know, see how it’s doing?  And by that I mean, “I’m just gonna log on real fast and see how many likes it has?”  Just looking for a friend.  Truth: this is not a sustainable way to be a writer, or an artist of any kind, I might argue.  It kills the whole spirit of creating something you believe in.  Shauna Niequist has said, “You are a writer if you write.”  I adore this, and so want to live it out.  Because I love words, and I also love when others love my words, it would be a lie to say that I didn’t; but even when they don’t, in my stillest, most honest moments with Jesus, I can truly say that I love putting them together.  When I invite God into this work and share the best of myself, public reception becomes much less important.  Plus, my husband and my mom will always read what I write, so I can rest knowing that (trying to be funny, friends).       

Lesson 3: vulnerability is good, but God has to be in it.  Many of you know that one of my very best friends and I wrote a blog together for four years.  I loved it, because I always felt like I was in this strange internet-writing world locked arms with someone.  Last summer when we both felt like God was stirring in us some individual directions for teaching and writing, I took almost three months to start j.e.b. because it felt too vulnerable, and I have never liked that feeling.  I didn’t want to be just another voice making noise.  I didn’t want to clamor for attention on my own because what did I even have to offer?  But with a lot of prayer and at the encouragement of a few friends, I bought the url, thought of a name (a reflection of how I want to not only write but live), and started sharing.  And, you know, it is vulnerable.  I am always wondering how others perceive me based on what I write.  But I also really believe in the power and beauty of words, and I really believe in God.  And sometimes, I wake up with things to say burning in my mind and all of a sudden it doesn’t feel vulnerable, it feels right.  Vulnerable comes when I am trying to make something of myself; peace comes when I am trying to make something of Jesus. Amen, and let it be so.

Lesson 4: I will fail.  Did you all know that I wrote a book 3 years ago?  No, you probably didn’t.  I think it sold 7 copies or something like that.  And even now when I read it, I feel like I am not the same writer.  Sometimes I cringe a little going “that’s really what I published?”  But I don’t remember the process like that.  I remember loving every second of putting that little project together during my first pregnancy.  I would write it very differently today, that’s for sure.  But if I had not written that and spent the hours I did on it, I wouldn’t even be the writer I am.  And I think that’s a lot like life.  We don’t arrive as perfect people; we make a lot of mistakes in the process of being good wives, mothers, friends, and most importantly, Christ-followers.  I have to ask forgiveness daily.  Daily.  Something I said, something I failed to do, a pride-filled attitude or action, you name it.  But those moments are almost always where I learn, and where I understand grace.  So really, failure isn’t all bad—it’s a step back and then two steps forward as someone with a slightly more humble heart.  That's the direction I want to be moving in, always.

Lesson 5: we all want to fit somewhere, and we are better together.  Really, isn’t it the best cheering others on?  So much more good gets done in the world when we do it together, and when we actually act like fans of one another in the process.  I really believe this. 

In the end, I have been writing here for a year because the best version of me is the one on paper, and I want to actually live the things I say.  I am inconsistent at best, but I keep writing because I keep trying, and because I want to love Jesus more.  And then, every once in a while, someone tells me with the most sincere encouragement, “Katie, please keep writing.”  You have no idea what those words do for my heart.  Thanks for being with me for the last year.  Here’s to a few more!    

the art of celebrating

We have a whole lot of celebrating to do this month: a big girl's second birthday, an amazing man's graduation, the visits from out of town family and friends, and of course, the best of all, Christmas itself.  As poor of a party planner as I am, we've got this whole celebrating thing lined up and dialed in this month.  But what I am sure I need to be a lot more intentional about: celebrating someone else.

In my advent study, we have been reading the prophet of Malachi- beautiful scripture foretelling the very holiday we elaborately celebrate with trees and stockings and all things green, red, gold, and silver.  In this book, the Lord tells us about the coming Savior, about a prophet that will come before him, and that for those who believe, we shall go out leaping like calves from the stall: with the glee and joy and carefree spirit of unbounded, pure freedom.  Wow.  To live a life with that kind of joy, what a gift to the world.

As I roll these words around in my heart, I cannot help but think that I can celebrate my life, my blessings, my family with great consistency.  I can humble-brag on this blog or social media, and I can rally likes and comments and take great pleasure in a day where I have been affirmed, encouraged, and cheered on.  In a me-centered world, I want my parties well attended.  But this world is not about me.  At the center of it all is Jesus, who has given us the grace to live in pure freedom, in joy.  And I think the kind of joy he desires for us makes a big deal of him and big deal of other people.  It celebrates other people.  The joy of a life surrendered to Jesus leaves judgment up to him, freeing me up to love, to say "I'm so happy for you... your pregnancy, your new home, your vacation, your promotion, your new business, your accomplishment..."  Joy cannot keep score, because it is lost in the celebration, in the dance and in the music of the party I am so lucky to attend.  

It gets so dang exhausting rallying cheers for myself, and I think God rigged the system that way.  When we lose our life, we find it... when we can put aside the me, me, me, look at me! life, all of sudden we get both: the joy of celebrating others and the blessing of others celebrating us.  With Christ's birth, life, death, and resurrection, he freed us up to not have to think too much about ourselves, to not have to manage the anxiety of constantly wondering "do they like me? do they see me? am I ok?"  The God of the universe sent Jesus, and "all the promises of God find their YES in him.  That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory."*  (Are you fist-pumping or what?!)  YES, to every question about my identity, my worth, my salvation, my security in Christ and the promise of his return.  Yes.  I am choosing to believe this, because I know that when I don't, when I hustle for approval, it leaves me empty every time.  So let's go give away joy, love, celebration because we will never run out of it in Jesus.          

*2 Corinthians 1:20