On December 6, 2012, after 16 hours of labor, Harper Kristin was laid on my chest for the first time. It is actually hard to remember life before that moment, because she changed everything for me and her dad. This little girl is strong, independent, funny, and a bit sassy. She pushes boundaries but knows how to say sorry. And she talks, all the time, narrating life the way her little mind sees it happen. My favorite Harper phrases are: "Check this out, guys." "Oh my goodness!" and "That's incredible." She counts to ten in English and to five in Spanish, and she is fully bilingual with her colors. I wish I could say this gift of language is because we never watch television and have been reading her baby Einstein since she was in the womb but alas, neither of those things are true so it must just be the way God made her.
Every single day for the past two years, I have thought about who my little girl will become. There are so many things she can pursue, so many dreams God will plant in her heart, and so many roads she can take in this life. But what I pray for daily is that Harper loves Jesus, has a kind heart toward others, loves learning, and seeks justice. That's really it. Whether she runs a bank or cuts hair or teaches children or whatever she does in this life, we hope that she "does everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Amen, let it be so.