my favorite podcasts
A little fact about me: I would be a professional student if I could. I would go to class, write paper, and do research in the library every day if it were possible, because very few things are as exciting to me as learning. It could be something new, something fresh, or a reminder from years before, but I feel it in my soul when I am learning, and it's a good feeling.
Back in November I turned the tv (mostly) off for the whole month. And I really haven't turned it back on much yet. Of course I've watched Parenthood (did I even need to clarify that?), but mostly during the day, the house is quiet save for the Dora and Daniel Tiger episodes I use to bribe my daughter. It's still glorious, and it sill makes me feel a little less distracted by things that I don't need in my head.
But, I am equal parts extrovert and introvert and I do need a little noise, a little discussion fueling my days. So when I'm working out, folding laundry, or getting breakfast ready for the kids, I've been turning on some pretty great podcasts, and feeling like I'm learning something every time. Here are my favorites, words and people and challenges that I'm growing from:
Buckhead Church: some good friends of ours moves to Atlanta last Spring and have been sharing some of their favorite church sermons. Not one has disappointed. Subscribe to the podcast and listen to the "Be Rich" sermon, stat.
Willow Creek: I love Bill Hybels. I love that he gets choked up over something in almost every sermon I have ever heard him give. I love the fabulous guest speaks that Willow brings in to inspire, I love their stand for justice. These are all incredible.
The Village Church: Because Matt Chandler.
Coffee with Chris: Because Christine Caine.
The Art of Simple: Love Tsh and the stories she brings on to her podcast. These are easy listening for me, and I always take something sweet away.
I also loved Serial, catch up on This American Life when I can, and have been listening some to the Bethel Church podcast as well. There is just no shortage of good words to fill our lives with; technology is making it almost too easy to keep learning, keep hearing stories other than our own. What are your favorites?